domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Redacción inglés: Sport and Health

Today I´m going to talk about sport and health, this two aspects of the life are very linked. Sport improve our physical health but also improve psychical health.

There are studies which certifies that people who practise sport not only have better physical condition but also have better psychical health, are more active and more reliable with other people. Sports help us to stay in shape and to be more reliable.

In our free time, instead of stay at home lying in the sofa we can practise sport, when we practise sport we disconnected from the real life, and this help us to be more relaxed and to be in a good mood. Also when we practise any type of sport activity whe can meet people and make friends who practise the same sport as us.

In conclusion whe can say that practise sport is a good form to stay in shape and also is a healthy form to spend our free time running or riding a bike in the middle of the nature.

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